They are also known as hard safety caps. These helmets are essential in environments with frequently risks of falling objects. Industries such as construction, heavy manufacturing, welding, and tasks involving heavy machinery use these safety helmets because these helmets are made for the safety purpose of the workers. These Safety helmets are made with protective gear designed to give high-impact results. These helmets are crafted with best materials like fiberglass, thermoplastics, or high-density polyethylene.
The construction area is designed to work with heavy tools so to avoid any risk it is designed in a way that it absorb and distribute any impact forces. This minimizing the chances of head injuries during an accident. They have a hard Shell which takes care of the head; the Inner harness provide a snug fit on the skull as well as it provides cushioning between the inner Shell and the head, Chinstrap is used to hold the Helmet in place and a sweatband to absorb Sweat while using it. The ventilation ports provide air ventilation across the skull while working long hours and amidst high heat areas.
We are major exporter of these products we sell these items for the safety purpose because safety is our first priority we provides best quality product to our customers. Our services is on top and very punctual our products shipped on time and we do not give you any chance to say anything because you will impressed by our work. You can check our website and ask anything regarding to the products you need.
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